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No News to Share? Here Are 4 Tips for Creating Compelling Story Angles

It’s easy to achieve media wins when you have something new - whether it’s a new product, renovation or experience. What’s the best way to generate coverage when your organization has no new news to share? Here are a few thought starters to develop compelling story angles to pitch media beyond what’s new: 

What makes your brand or destination unique? How are you different from your competitors? Is your organization leading in any type of innovation that is helping people or providing benefits to others? 

Who are the humans behind your brand? Do you have a unique founder’s story or employees/partners working with you that may be interesting? 

What’s trending in the news? What are current events or trends happening now? Aim to tie experiences and products to latest trends, current events or seasonality. Also look at your competitors' news coverage and see what any new angles or ideas may come to mind. 

Mine your data. Who are your customers? What are their interests? Do you see any interesting purchasing or booking trends? Any unique customer experience stories that could benefit other potential customers or a new audience? 

Challenge yourself to take a step back from the day-to-day and see your organization from a new perspective. You might find compelling story angles to bring to the media. 


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