5 Tips to Land Broadcast Media Coverage

When working with broadcast media, doing your research is key. It is important to familiarize yourself with the station, its team, and its audience. Use the below tips, developed by Think Big’s resident broadcast media expert, Ali Chiafery, to first land the slot, and then to execute a successful and engaging segment. Pitch timely stories. Broadcast media are always looking to cover of-the-moment news. Design your pitch calendar around seasonal topics, widely-celebrated holidays, events and current trends. Ask yourself, why will viewers care about this right now? Here is an example of Think Big client Warren Miller Entertainment and athletes from the film promoting the film tour’s stop in Denver. Interactive Content is King. When appropriate, offer content that’s fun and interactive. Demonstrations, sampling, or How-To segments are always a hit. We worked with the local Fox affiliate in Denver for an in-studio interview on the Vail Farmers’ Market. You’ll see here the spokesperson brought several samples and items for the hosts to try which made the segment more dynamic for the viewers. *Tip: have the host get involved, too!* Offer and Organize Great Visuals. Make the producer’s job easy and organize b-roll, photos, and graphics into a shared drive folder for easy access and viewing. Don’t have a professional photographer? Take your own! These images will air throughout your live segment, enhancing the viewer’s experience. When you are filming on location, pick a few locations for the reporter to pick from that offer a nice backdrop. Use an Engaging and Concise Spokesperson. It’s important to make sure your spokesperson is personable, media trained and familiar with your key messages. If demonstrating an activity (cooking, craft, etc.), prepare as much as possible before hand. This way, they will be less focused on the doing, and more focused on hitting important talking points. Run a practice interview with your spokesperson to make sure they are confident. Always look up and smile! Appeal to a Wide Audience. Producers are more likely to book a segment that reaches a wide audience. If you are promoting an event, explain what is in it for the kids and what is in it for the adults. If you are promoting an activity or fitness experience, be sure to demonstrate for all ability levels. If you are demonstrating a recipe in the kitchen, offer tips on how viewers can recreate this at home, whether they have kitchen experience or not. Always Think Big,
Kate Lessman
Think Big Media PR